
Monday, April 14, 2014

Do you ever feel like you are meant to do more in this world?

Do you have a deeper sense that you should be doing something that has meaning?

What are your hopes and dreams? Have you ever looked within yourself trying to unlock your true purpose?

I was once at a point in my life where I believed I wasn't doing what I was meant to do. After four years of school, a degree, two majors, much sacrifice and stress, and hours of working my butt off to succeed in the world of sports communications, I realized I was not fulfilled. My heart desired more. 

I ended up back in school, working full-time, and managing to get through it all and earn my BS in Nursing. It was difficult to completely start over, but I knew the end result would have a profound impact on my life and the quality of it. 

Being a registered nurse is just one of my many identifiers. 

In the movie The Spectacular Now, Aimee, one of the main characters says this: "I like to think there's more to a person than just one thing."

I've always had this feeling that I was meant to do more. That because my heart is so full of love, humbleness and gratefulness, I am able to give, listen, learn, and love maybe a little more than an average person. 

There are a few things on my list that I'd love to do including take part in a medical missions trip, become a mother, inspire others to live healthier & more joyful lives, possibly adopt a child from overseas, become an author, inspire others through photography, and to do good every day. 

The thing about lists is that you can keep writing them, reading them, thinking about them, but they are only a list until you start to do something about it. So whatever's on your list...whatever you dream about and wish to be...write your list and then take action to reaches your full purpose whatever that may be. 

Dream big. Do good. Be yourself.

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