A Gym Story

Friday, March 21, 2014

I lifted heavy yesterday at the gym. 

I'm starting a new program to increase my strength.

I'm excited because I get to squat three times a week on this program. Yipee for me, and thanks to my husband for recommending this program to me. 

I'll be doing heavy lifting three days a week and adding in 21 Day Fix workouts the other days. Lots of good fitness going on. 

I like to finish my workouts with a quick sweat session of cardio. Usually this is no more than 20 minutes. I've been trying to increase my speed, so am running between one and two miles on the treadmill as fast as I can. It's going surprisingly well for the "not fast runner" that I am.

Upon finishing, I was cooling down at a walking pace and noticed a woman to my left. I had seen her walking a few days earlier and had the same thought I did previously, "That's awesome. Good for her."

I've been going to the gym off and on for years. There are "gym types." You see your super skinny runner-type people, the lean bodybuilder type, the bulking hulk-type, the ripped-out-of-their-mind women, the big upper body/small lower body middle aged newly retired men, the skinny non-muscular type, the athletic type, the curvy type, the basketball player type, the wrestler type, the super strong middle-aged man with a belly, the elderly man or woman who are there every day, the pregnant woman, new moms, overweight individuals, the freshman 15-ers ... and the list goes on. Yes...I am classifying, but only to make a point.

My point being, you hardly ever see obese individuals at the gym.

The woman walking to my left was obese. I thought to myself..."I should go talk to her." And then I thought, "No...maybe she doesn't want to be bothered." But then I thought, "I'd love to say hi and offer her encouragement." Then I thought, "Maybe she doesn't need or want any and will take offense to your offering."

I left my treadmill, grabbed a cleansing wipe, and returned to my treadmill to de-germ it. I looked at her again.

I decided.

I walked over to the left of her treadmill, looked up and said, "Hi."

She looked down and shyly smiled back, "Hi."

I said to her, "I've seen you in here a few times."

She replied, "Yes, I'm here every day."

I said, "That's awesome. What are your goals?"

She smiled, cocked her head and said, "Well...to keep losing weight. I've lost 127 pounds so far." (she beamed...obviously proud)

Amazed, happy, and excited, I said, "Wow...that's amazing! Good work! How did you accomplish that...by walking? Do you come here alone or with someone?" (I was curious about her support system)

She said, "I come here by myself every day to walk. And I only eat healthy proteins and vegetables."

Truly floored, I exclaimed, "That's great! Wow. I am so impressed! So, what are your goals now?!"

She responded, "Well...to lose another 125 pounds and to get healthy."

My heart was just overjoyed!  This woman, is a champion. She was confident, and SO proud! She is losing weight the healthy way, by exercising and eating healthy. She is consistent. She has goals. She has experienced the results of hard work and dedication. And she isn't giving up. Yes...she may be starting "small" by walking every day, but I guarantee you, this women won't be walking forever.

I went on to talk to her about adding strength training to her routine (which she already does "some" on the weekends when she "has more time." I introduced myself at the end, found out her name and said, "I'll see you around, then!"

Joining a gym can be daunting, especially if you don't know anyone else or understand how to use the equipment.

My goal was to give her a friendly, recognizable face to see at the gym, and I think I succeeded! Can't wait to see her continue to shine!

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