Dr. Ashley’s Top 10 Healthy Habits for 2014

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Staying healthy isn’t just about exercising and eating right.  As a Chiropractor, I have patients who physically improve visit to visit, but if they have negative head space or don’t make healthy food choices, they don’t heal as quickly and never reach their potential.  It’s important to identify your physical, chemical and emotional stresses in order to reach your optimal potential.  Below are my Top 10 Healthy Habit Recommendations for 2014.  Start creating good habits!  Your health is worth it!

Dr. Ashley’s Top 10 Healthy Habits for 2014

 1. Get regular chiropractic treatments!  The nervous system controls every function that our bodies undergo.  Keeping your spine in alignment and your nervous system “clear” will allow you to function and heal optimally.

2. Get some exercise!  At least 30 minutes of exercise a day is great for the health of your body.  Even going for a walk or cleaning the house counts, so get moving!
      3. Eat nutritiously!  This means trying to eat as “cleanly” as you can (organic if possible).  Limit processed foods and drinks, juice your food and take good quality supplements.  Your body will thank you!

4. Brush and floss everyday!  Let’s face it; bad breath comes from bacteria in the mouth.  If we don’t “clean out” the bacteria, they are going to make their way in to our bodies and make us sick.

5. Get at least 6 hours of sleep!  Sleeping is a time when our bodies heal and rejuvenate.

6. Increase your daily water intake!  The goal is to drink half of your body weight, in ounces, each day.  Water helps flush out toxins, promotes weight loss, increases energy, relieves fatigue….the list goes on and on!  Water does a body good!

7. Save $....even $5 per week.  Make it a habit! Save, save, save!

8. Commit to 30 minutes of mind expansion per day.  Listen to audios, read books, learn a new language.  The choice is yours….go crazy!

9. Check labels.  In a chemically driven world, a lot of products and food we use and consume on a daily basis is filled with chemicals that may be hazardous to our health.  Check your toothpaste, laundry detergent, food, deodorant, cleaning supplies, etc.

10. Add “moments” in your day.  Take a minimum of 3 minutes and have “me time” to journal, read, write down what you’re grateful for or meditate.

Dr. Ashley Anderson is a Doctor of Chiropractic at Cook Chiropractic Center in Chippewa Falls, WI.  She graduated from Northwestern Health Sciences University in Bloomington, MN in November 2009 and practiced in MN for 4 years before moving back to WI and joining her colleague, Dr. Lona Cook.  Dr. Ashley and Dr. Lona have a strong passion for family wellness and helping the Chippewa Valley reach their potential!  For more information you may contact Dr. Ashley at drashley@cookchirocenter.com or go to www.cookchirocenter.com.

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